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A return to work, study and normalcy?

Twitter Chat, Wednesday 25th January 2023

As we enter a new year and hope to see the end of winter on the horizon, have we seen the last of covid and the pandemic? In the last year we saw a return to normality regarding travel and holidays to a large extent, but what changes and practices from the pandemic era will we continue or dismiss? As we face further challenges regarding inflation and impending recession, what have we learned and developed over the last few years that may assist us with the developing situation?

Join us on Wednesday 25th January 7pm for an Early Careers LiveChat hosted via the @CILIPIreland Twitter account where we’ll address the following questions:

  1. Has work, learning and home-life returned to normal for yourself and colleagues so far? Has anyone been unable to return to their pre-pandemic routine?

  2. What practices have we continued post pandemic, such as working from home and meeting online? Have there been any unexpected outcomes, either positive or negative?

  3. Are you comfortable with the continued progression back to normal socialisation and the removal of social distancing at work and in public, have all aspects of social distancing been removed?

  4. How have library patrons responded to the increasing return of normal library services? Has footfall, event participation and borrowing returned to pre-pandemic levels?

  5. What is the mood in your organisation regarding covid, long covid and especially mental health after the last number of years? Has illness and sick-leave returned to normal levels?

  6. Financially how our institutions coping, considering the compounding issue of the recession on the back of a pandemic?

So, hold that date in your diary and we look forward to seeing and hearing from you on the evening.

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